Superfins has two squads which train at HBF stadium in Mt Claremont and offer squad based training for any person with physical or intellectual/learning disabilities. To be eligible to take part, swimmers must be able to meet the basic requirements of the club. These include being able to swim 50m in at least two recognised strokes with correct technique.
Stroke Development Squad
The Stroke Development Squad (SD) is aimed at swimmers who are keen to improve technique and fitness and learn new drills and skills. SD is designed for swimmers wanting to progress towards competitive swimming if desired and graduate to the Senior squad once skills and fitness allows. SD swimmers are encouraged to swim at Club Swims held throughout the year.
SD swimmers train Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, doing three one hour sessions per week.
Senior Squad
The Senior Squad (SNR) is for those swimmers who are competent in most strokes and can readily perform skills and drills and are able to manage reasonable distances each session. These swimmers can be involved in competitive swimming at Swimming WA, Masters Swimming WA or Open Water events as well as simply swimming for fitness. SNR swimmers also are involved in our club swims throughout the year
SNR swimmers train on Monday and Wednesday evenings (1.5 hours each session) and on Saturdays (1 hour).
Enquiries: enquiry@superfins.org